PyMoney version 1.0

Copyright © Dmitri Brechalov, 2006

What Is PyMoney?
Getting Started
Password Protection

What Is PyMoney?

PyMoney is a personal financial assistant for personal use. It can help you with your family budget, for instance. The program can work with several accounts in different currencies, transfer money from one account to another.

The program is highly portable, cause it is written in Python language using PyQt library. This version is intended to use on Sharp Zaurus PDA, but also works on any UNIX-like system with Python >= 2.3, Qt version 2.3 or 3 and PyQt installed. It has been tested on Debian and RedHat 9.

Getting Started

Started the program for the first time, you have to define at least one ("home") currency. Go to the Currencies dialog (menu Tools/Currencies), click Add, enter a Symbol (up to 3 characters, for instance), type a name (Euro) and set it as a home checking Home checkbox. Then click Set and Ok.

Now you can define accounts.


PyMoney allows you to manage several account. The main window displays transactions of the current account. The name of the account and its current balance are shown at the toolbar. You can switch between accounts using combo-box.

To create new account select Account/New menu, type name and select currency for the account.

To change name or currency of the current account select Account/Properties menu.

To remove the current account select Account/Remove menu.


PyMoney any currencies. Money will be converted automatically when transferred among accounts. Each currency holds exchange rate for the "home" currency.

You can manage currencies selecting Tools/Currencies menu.

In the Currencies dialog click Add, enter symbol (up to 3 characters), name and rate value. Click Set when ready.

To change a currency, select it from the list, change name, rate value, or Home checkbox, then click Set (or press Enter key).

You cannot change symbol of existent currency. But you can create another currency with new symbol and then delete the old one.

To delete a currency, select it and click Del button.

After all, commit changes clicking Ok button. To refuse changes click Cancel.


Categories help to group related expencies (and incomes, of course), for instance, you can use "Food" or "Telephone" categories.

If you have created categories, you can select appropriate category when editing transaction.

To manage categories select Tools/Categories menu.

To create new category, just type its name in the edit line under the listbox and click Add button.

To delete category select it from the list and click Del button.

Categories can be credit and debet. A category is debet by default. This means all money associated with this category will be calculated as expenses.

Credit categories are for income (salary etc). To make category credit set Credit checkbox before you clicked Add button.

In the list credit and debet categories are indicated with (+) and (-) respectively.


To create new transaction select Transaction/Add menu, or press Space in the main window.

To change selected transaction select Transaction/Edit menu, or press Enter key, or double click the transaction.

To delete transaction select Transaction/Delete, or press BS key.


To transfer money from one account to another, open the source account, select Transaction/Transfer menu, or press Ctrl-T. Select date, type description, enter amount of money, select target account. The amount will be automatically converted to the currency of the target account. If you don't need this convertation, just turn off Convert checkbox. Finally, click Ok.

To change existent transaction select it in the source account and press Enter, or double click, or select Transaction/Edit menu.


Budget window shows you categorised data. You can open budget window selecting View/Budget, or pressing Ctrl-B.

In the window you can select period of time to see and switch grouping by categories (by default), or by accounts.

The budget table consists of three columns: name of category/account, credit (income) and debet (expenses).

Press Space, or click to the line to show details. You can expand and collapse all items using + and - buttons respectively.

Lines titled as show sums of uncategorizid transactions; lines titled as show money transferred between accounts.

The last line, TOTAL shows total values for all categories/accounts.

Password Protection

You can set password selecting Tools/Set password menu. This will encrypt the database and the program will ask you the password at startup to prevent unauthotized access to your personal data.

Password is kept encrypted in the database.

This feature enebled only if your Python has library support!